Femtosecond Laser


Femtosecond Laser

Femtosecond laser

The alteration Lasik of Myopia, Hipermetropia and Astigmatism we realize it with the technology (skill) of the new Laser Femtosegundo FS (Intralase) instead of the mechanical cut.

We are of the Europa's first centers and the first center of Malaga, Granada, Almería, Jaen ... with the Technology Laser FS (Femtosegundo) also known as technology(skill) Lasik 100 % laser.

What is the Laser Femtosegundo?

The laser FS is in use in the alteration of Myopia, Hipermetropía and Astigmatism. It(he,she) is of solid, cold condition(state) and an infrared light uses in very short pulses, measurements in fentosegundos to provoke the fotodisrupción (creation of bubbles of 3 microns in the fabric of the cornea). His(her,your) efficiency is such that has been the laser stars in the last International Congress celebrated in Las Vegas (USA).

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What advantages has FS?

First, it allows a technology that nothing has to see with the mechanical cuttting, with which it is necessary to press very much the eye. It is surer, the risks are minor enough, since it does not believe irregularities or incomplete cuts in the cornea. With this new laser if the cut is interrupted only it is necessary to wait a minute to continue. On the other hand, with the mechanical cut if it is interrupted, the patient will have to wait 90 days to complete it. Classic Lasik is surer than the technology. With the FS 60 can realize cuts with an accuracy of +/-10 microns, with the mechanical cut of some +/-40 microns, according to the microqueratoma.

Is there an expansion in the range of patients that can be operated with this technique?

Certainly. It is possible to apply in thin, curved and flat corneas, with what cases that before could not occur with the technology(skill) Lasik, today if they can with this new Laser.

Is it costlier for the patient?

It is in the habit of increasing between(among) 10 and one 30 %, though giving 99 % of safety, because his application, it is very exact and very sure.

Is it this safety what more values the patient?

Yes. Not estresa to the patient, since it needs three times less pressure on the eye and there is no noise to the cut.

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